Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The art of soothing

It something of a wonder as to why baby's are soothed by sucking. Sure it mimics feeding but they don't get that feeding habit in the womb (though I have heard that some do suck their fingers while there) and yet they instinctively know from day one how to feed and to suck in a manner which soothes.

Anyway Eoin is no different. While he was in the NIC the nurses provided him with a soother so he got to grips early with the relaxing effects of a plastic shaped nipple. Since then we have tried to coax him to not become entirely dependent on it (being able to self sooth is an important skill for him to learn so that he doesn't have to wake up mum and dad for his soother!).
He has when deprived tried to put his fist in his mouth, sucked the side of his hand and more recently managed to put a couple of fingers in. Finally he has realised that his thumb may just be the ticket:

1 comment:

~ Michelle and Jeff ~ said...

Oh my goodness, so cute! I think I have this same picture of Keagan from those early days. Glad to hear it seems you're doing well and Eoin is letting you get some shut eye.