Sunday, May 3, 2009

B-Day - only two weeks (or so) to go!

We did our final class in preparation for the baby at the hospital today - 'Breastfeeding for Beginners'. I can now tell whether the baby will be properly 'latched' onto Biz or not - its amazing but there's a lot more than just bringing this little 'horse' to water so that he can drink!

One statistic which surpised me (but makes sense when you think about it) is that the worldwide average period of time a woman breastfeeds her child is 5 years! Also consider that this average is brought down by us in the western world. I also learned that a years supply of baby formula can cost from $2,000 to $5,000!

Anyway all is well on the Biz and baby front - Biz did have today what felt like Braxton Hicks or 'false' contractions which is basically the wombs way of 'practicing'!! So we are presumably getting much closer to B-Day! We feel we are now pretty much as ready as we can be - all the necessary baby equipment, such as the stroller and car seat that Biz is modeling in the picture above, are in hand while we also got lots of great baby outfits and other gifts at the recent baby shower organized for Biz. So we are down to just enjoying these final few weeks before we become a family of three!

1 comment:

mollydavin said...

The stroller looks awesome! So do you, Biz. The countdown to Smurf is in full swing.